TAB Int. got tasked to arrange speakers for upcoming Gyeonggi-do Women’s International Forum, to be held on October 24 in Gyeonggi, Korea.
The initiative is put forth and hosted by the provincial government of Gyeonggi-do as well as the Gyeonggi-do Women & Family Foundation, a policy research institute serving the needs of 13.7 million residents in the province of Gyeonggi-do. The theme of this year’s Forum is “Regional Policy and Gender,” with specific focus on gender-based and public policy-oriented examinations of the topics of labor, migration, as well as science & technology.
Please contact us at admin at tabint dot co if you would be interested in being part of this upcoming Forum.
Category Archives: News
Call for speakers – 8th Asia Future Forum (AFF 2017) November 15-16, Seoul
T.A.B. (The Advantage Bureau): part of GCP International has been tasked to arrange speakers for an upcoming event called “8th Asia Future Forum (AFF 2017)“, which will be held on November 15~16, 2017, in Seoul Korea.
The event is hosted by the Hankyoreh, which is a progressive newspaper, decisively committed to journalists freedom, democracy, peaceful coexistence and national reconciliation between South and North Korea. Since 2010, this Forum has been held in Seoul every late autumn, while the world’s great scholars, political leaders, policy makers, and entrepreneur have gathered in one place. The Hankyoreh Asia Future Forum mainly deals with the change and crisis of the 21st century capitalist economy.
For further information, visit the website:
Please contact for further discussion:
Call for speakers – Next Content Conference 2017 (NCC 2017) Oct 23-24, Seoul
T.A.B (The Advantage Bureau): part of GCP International has been tasked to arrange speakers for an upcoming event called “Next Content Conference 2017“, which will be held on October 23~24, 2017, in Coex Seoul Korea.
The event is hosted by the Korea Creative Content Agency and Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. We have been holding this annual event called “DICON” and this is the only International content conference held in South Korea as well as CT (culture-technology) forum since 2002. Since 2016, the events have been merged into the “Next Content Conference” (NCC).
For the past few years (2014-2016), we had the great honor to have as guest speakers; Antoine Nazaret (Daily Motion), John David Coles (House of Cards), Martin Adelstein (Prison Break), T.J. Scott (Gotham), Michael Uslan (Batman), Peter del Vecho (Disney), Frank Rose, Armand Arismendi (IBM), Denis Hwang (Pokemon Go), Jimmy Feng (Vive), Nonny de la Pena (Emblematic Group), and David Powell (Youtube)etc.
You can find more about the past events at below links:
DICON 2015 (Youtube)
NCC 2016 (Youtube)
NCC 2016 website:
Please contact for further discussion:
Call for speakers – Nexon Developer’s Conference 2017 (NDC 2017) April 25-27, Gyeonggi
T.A.B. (The Advantage Bureau): part of GCP International has been tasked to arrange speakers for an upcoming Nexon developer’s conference 2017 (NDC 2017), which will be held on April 25~27 at NEXON Headquarter in Pangyo Gyeonggi, Korea.
Nexon is a global game developer and publisher, inivially founded in Korea but now a global company with branches worldwide. The Nexon Developers Conference is an annual forum for all aspects of game-related knowledge sharing that has grown steadily since 2007, currently standing at the lartest conference of its kind in the country.
For further detailed information, please refer to (English version will be available soon)
Please contact us for further discussion:
Canada Ontario Premier & business mission to Korea
GCP International l The Palm is assigned as local partner of Canada National Public Relations to assist its project of Ontario premier and business mission’s visit to Seoul Korea, from November ~ December 3, 2016.
유럽연합 기후외교주간
2016년 9월 25일(일) – 10월1일(토)
주한유럽연합대표부는 “유럽연합 기후외교주간 (EU Climate Diplomacy Week)”을 맞아 오는 9월 25일(일)부터 10월 1일(토)까지 서울과 부산에서 다양한 공개 행사들을 개최할 예정이다. EU는 전 세계 주요 국가 및 도시들에서 기후변화주간과 부대행사들을 진행하여, 기후변화 문제의 심각성과 의식 재고를 촉구하고 있다.
주한유럽연합대표부는 EU 파트너십 기금(EU Partnership Instrument)의 지원으로 한국에서 이하의 행사들을 주관한다.
- 유럽외교관들의 자전거 타기 행사 (서울시와 공동주관)
- 9월 25일 (일), 서울광장 – 세종문화회관
- 슬로건: “Burn Calories, Not Petrol”
- 유럽 각국 대사들 및 서울시장 참여 예정
- 친환경건축 사진전시회: “EU의 지속 가능한 생활공간”
- 서울 – 9월 25-29일, 세종문화회관 외부
- 부산 – 10월 7-12일, 부산역 광장
- 지속가능한 교통 라운드테이블 토론회
- 9월 28일 (수), JW 메리어트 동대문
오늘날 EU에서 기후변화는 그 어느 때보다도 중요한 정책의제로 부상하였다. EU 회원국들은 작년 파리에서 개최된 제 21차 UN 기후변화협약 당사국총회 이후 과감한 온실가스 감축 목표설정에 합의하였으며, 전 세계 주요 파트너들과 함께 글로벌 차원의 노력을 적극 지원하고 있다. (참고로 EU는 2030년까지 1990년 대비 온실가스 배출량의 40% 감축을 목표로 하고 있다.)
주한유럽연합대표부는 유럽연합 기후외교주간을 서울과 부산에서 주관하게 된 점을 기쁘게 생각하며, 기후변화로 인한 심각한 결과에 대한 사회전반의 인식을 재고할 수 있기를 희망한다.
이번 행사를 맞아 주한유럽연합대표부의 게하르트 사바틸 (Gerhard Sabathil) 대사는, “우리 모두는 지구의 환경에 대한 책임이 있다. 미래 세대의 보호자로서 이 사실을 엄중히 받아들여야 한다. 정부, 기업 등은 큰 정책을 수립하고 관리하는 역할을 하겠지만, 우리도 각자 일상 속에서 온실가스 감축 노력에 충분히 기여할 수 있다. 이러한 노력은 우리의 자녀들, 우리가 살아가는 지구를 위한 당연한 일이다” 라는 소감을 밝혔다.
주요 경제 강국인 대한민국은 EU의 중요한 전략적 동반자로 기후변화 및 저탄소 분야 역시 양자간 주요 협력분야로 자리잡고 있다. 최근에는 비지니스 관계 증진을 위한 EU Gateway to Korea 및 배출권 거래시스템 운영에 대한 기술적 지식 교환을 목적으로 하는 한-EU 배출권 거래시스템(ETS)과 같은 시그니처 프로젝트가 발족되었다. 한편, 한국은 여전히 세계 7위의 온실가스 배출국으로, 친환경적 경제로의 전환과 산업 경쟁력 유지 사이에서 균형을 맞추어야 하는 입장이다.
게하르트 사바틸 (Gerhard Sabathil) 대사는 “EU와 대한민국 모두 온실가스 감축 방안, 특히 저탄소 교통 및 수송 방안을 적극적으로 수용할 필요가 있다. 새로운 기술이 기후변화 대응에 어떤 역할을 할 수 있을지 이해하는 것은 대단히 중요하다”고 지적하였다. 마지막으로 “EU의 온실가스 감축목표는 2030년까지 40%지만, 해당 사안에 대한 전 세계 시민들의 의식은 100% 증가되길 희망한다” 고 덧붙였다.
The EU Delegation to Korea is organising the “EU Climate Diplomacy Week” from 25 September through 1 October. The Climate Diplomacy Week is a global climate initiative of the European Union to raise public awareness on climate issues. During the week, the EU Delegation, with support of the EU Partnership Instrument, organises and supports public events in Seoul and Busan. The events include:
- Bicycle Ride: “Burn Calories, Not Petrol” (in cooperation with Seoul City)
25 September, Seoul City Plaza
EU Member States’ Ambassadors & Seoul Mayor
- Photo Exhibition on Green Architecture: “Sustainable Living Space in the EU”
25-29 September, outside Sejong Centre for Performing Arts
7-12 October, Busan Station Plaza
- Roundtable Discussion on Sustainable Mobility
28 September, JW Marriott Dongdaemun
Climate change has never been higher on the EU policy agenda. Following the COP21 in Paris last year, the EU Member States agreed to set ambitious reduction targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Along with GHG reduction efforts within Europe, the EU is actively engaging with key partners around the world to support global climate action.
The EU Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility, published in December 2015, stipulates a 40% cut in greenhouse emissions compared to 1990 levels by 2030, a 27% minimum share of renewable energy and a 27% minimum improvement in energy efficiency.
To help raise awareness of the impact of climate change, the EU Delegation to Korea is pleased to organise the EU Climate Diplomacy Week in Seoul and Busan to raise public awareness of climate issues. The week includes a bicycle ride, photo exhibitions and roundtable discussions and is part of a 12 month project to raise awareness across society of the consequences of climate change.
- E. Gerhard Sabathil, Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to Korea, said, “We all have a responsibility towards our planet. We are the guardians for future generations and we must take this very seriously. We do not have a choice – we have to adapt and whilst the ‘big picture’ is managed by governments, businesses and many other major players, we can each make a contribution in our daily lives. We owe it to ourselves, to our children and to our planet.”
The Republic of Korea is one of the major economic powerhouses and an important strategic partner of the European Union. Climate change and low carbon development, as well as business-to-business cooperation in green sectors remain dominant areas in EU-Korea cooperation. The recently launched signature projects are the EU Gateway to Korea, which fosters business ties, and the EU-Korea Emission Trading System (ETS) which aims to exchange technical knowledge on operational aspects of the ETS.
However, challenges still abound. As the seventh biggest CO2 emitter, Korea has to balance the global demand for a green economy with the demand for maintaining industrial competitiveness.
The Ambassador continued, “The EU and Korea both need to embrace low-carbon development and low-carbon mobility options to meet their emission targets. Accordingly, it is essential to understand how technologies and climate change action make a difference. We aim to cut emissions by 40% but we have to increase public awareness by 100%.”
LOT Polish Airlines Launching Gala Dinner event (October 18, 2016)
The Palm: your event partner in Korea got confirmed as Polish Airlines’ event partner in Seoul Korea for its first business launching event on October 18, 2016.
More details can be found at the ‘upcoming event’ page and event 2016.
B.I.G. (Bigdata Initiative of Gyeonggi) Forum (October 19, 2016)
The Palm Speaker Bureau has been tasked with searching and inviting accomplished speakers for the upcoming event “B.I.G (Bigdata Initiative of Gyeonggi) Forum 2016″ which will be held on October 19, 2016 in Gyeonggi Province, Korea. For more details refer to website or contact
EU Climate Change Outreach Project in Korea
GCP International’s associates are assigned as Communication Consultants l Project Experts for European Commission’s Climate Change Outreach project in Korea (Communication) l A project funded by the European Union 2016-2017 l Danish Management a/s
Nexon Developers Conference (NDC) April 26~28, 2016 Pangyo Korea
The Palm Speaker Bureau has been tasked for speakers coordination for the Nexon Developers Conference, from April 26~28, 2016 in Pangyo Korea.
Nexon is a global game developer and publisher, initially founded in Korea but now a global company with branches worldwide. The Nexon Developers Conference is an annual forum for all aspects of game-related knowledge sharing that has grown steadily since 2007, currently standing as the largest conference of its kind in the country with over 100 international speakers/participants and an an audience of 8,000.
The main theme of this year’s event is “content diversification.” The theme was chosen in recognition of the game industry’s need to leave behind the monotony and conformist content of the present to explore new potential and creative directions for the future. Hence, we are shaping the conference as a forum for intense discussion on the subject as well as platform for launching and inspiring new directions with help from the most creative minds in the industry.
Any questions or concerns, please contact