제5회 유권자의 날 기념식 행사

중앙선거관리위원회 주최로 5월 10일 과천시민회관 대극장에서 제5회 유권자의 날 기념식이 개최되었습니다.

‘아름다운 선거, 행복한 대한민국’이라는 주제로 진행된 이날 행사에는 이인복 위원장을 비롯해 위원회 위원과 직원, 선거 유공자, 일반 유권자 등 총 700여 명이 참석햇습니다.

기념식은 식전영상상영, 국민의례, 위원장 기념사, 선거 유공자에 대한 훈·포장 등 수여, 과천시립여성합창단의 유권자의 노래 등 제창, 가수 치어콕·한동근과 테너 조용갑의 축하공연 순서로 진행되었습니다.

The 5th Voters Day celebration was held on May 10, 2016 at Grand Theater of Gwacheon Citizen Hall hosted by National Election Management Comission.
The event was under the theme of ‘beautiful election & happy Korea’, and about 700 people participated.
Summary of program is as follows: Pre-event video playing – national courtesy – commemoration – medal award – Gwacheon women choir – girl group ‘cheer-kok’ – singer ‘Han, Dong-geun’ – Tenor ‘Cho, Yonggab’

annual event ceremony

Yanssen’s annual APEX 2016

yanssen lotte crystalAPEX 2016, Janssen’s annual internal meeting and product update for all leaders & senior management team of marketing and strategy team, was held at Lotte Hotel (Myeongdong area) Seoul Korea from April 24 ~ 28, 2016. The Palm: DMC Korea assisted its partner “ICEM” based in Malaysia with exhibit arrangements, bilingual staffing, printings, professional photographer for gala dinner etc.

Seoul Bike Symposium 2015

Bike First, United Priority

Seoul Bike Symposium 2015 was successfuly held on October 15, 2015 at Seoul Metropolitan Government office building, hosted by Seoul City and BIke Transport Promotion Institute. The Palm organized the event assisting with Bike Transport Promotion Institute. This symposium is one of events of a 3-day Seoul Bike Festival, where speakers from 10 countries could share their experiences and good practices for Seoul to be cycling leading city.

symposium at Seoul City HallBike symposium event Korea